Everything You Need To Know About Using CBD For Focus

6 Factors You Should Know Before Using CBD for Focus and Energy

Can CBD for focus help boost my productivity?

CBD, whose full name is Cannabidiol, is said to enhance balance in the body and mind by impacting bodily functions such as memory, sleep, appetite, and cognitive function. 

People worldwide are now using CBD for focus and concentration, and preliminary research suggests that these benefits are backed by science. 

If you’ve been following up on this magical chemical, you’ve probably come across numerous articles on the therapeutic benefits of using CBD. In this feature, we’ll examine some of these benefits. 

However, before we get into whether or not CBD is good for focus, let’s take a quick brush through what focus is and why the brain may sometimes need some help to remain focused. 

Your brain requires lots of focus to do this effectively. And since no one can focus fully on everything at the same time, the brain assigns higher levels of concentration to the most crucial tasks.

What Is Focus and How Does It Come About? 

Our brains are constantly absorbing, analyzing, and interpreting the things happening around us. 

When one is asleep, for example, and hears a noise in the real world- such as a knock on the door or drops of water from a leaking tap- your brain interprets that sound and may even incorporate it into the dream you’re having. 

Think about that; our brains are at work even when we’re asleep. That’s also how we’re able to maneuver into more comfortable positions or wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. 

Your brain requires lots of focus to do this effectively. And since no one can focus fully on everything at the same time, the brain assigns higher levels of concentration to the most crucial tasks. 

Unconscious focus is practically baked into our instincts and acts as an autopilot.

Unconscious/ Exogenous Focus

The least-prioritized tasks are then assigned to the subconscious. Unconscious cognition refers to the processing of memory, learning, language, perception, and thought without actively focusing on it. 

For example, your body continues to breathe when you’re focusing on changing your tire. 

Your ears continue to hear, and your mind perceives the chatter going on around you even when you’re preoccupied with your own thoughts or scrolling through your phone. 

Unconscious focus is practically baked into our instincts and acts as an autopilot. This type of cognition goes on with or without our input and thus doesn’t need to be supplemented.

Endogenous focus refers to actively placing your attention and concentration on a stimulus, thought, memory, conversation, and more.

Active/ Conscious/ Endogenous Focus

Endogenous focus refers to actively placing your attention and concentration on a stimulus, thought, memory, conversation, and more. 

Conscious cognition is applied when one is playing a game of chess, writing, driving, or even cooking. When you’re doing any of these activities, you’re actively focused on everything that’s going on. 

This type of cognition requires one to focus their attention on something themselves. This is the state of focus that most people find difficult to master. 

Different people have different attention spans- that is, the amount of time they can concentrate on one thing before getting distracted. Today, the average human has an attention span of just 8 seconds, a whole 4 seconds less than we did in 2000. 

Why Is It So Hard for Me to Focus?

There are numerous issues that may be making it harder for you to pay attention and focus on your responsibilities and daily tasks. While some of them may be under your control, others may not. Here are a few examples:

Bad ergonomics refers to uncomfortable and unsuitable sitting that may lead to poor posture and chronic back, neck, and shoulder pain.

1. Bad Ergonomics and Poor Posture

Bad ergonomics refers to uncomfortable and unsuitable sitting that may lead to poor posture and chronic back, neck, and shoulder pain. If you sit in front of a computer all day, you may be more vulnerable to this. 

The back pain that comes with poor ergonomics makes it incredibly hard to focus and concentrate. 

According to the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute, back pain is a leading cause of work-loss days; 83 million work days are lost each year due to people having back pain. 

CBD is touted to help relieve chronic pain due to its anti-inflammatory properties. There are many CBD gummies you can eat that will help make your pain more manageable, ultimately making it easier for you to focus and concentrate on your day-to-day tasks.

This is one of the many ways you can use CBD gummies for energy and focus. However, other than using CBD, there are many other steps you can take to cope with your aches and pains.

Lack of sleep is another common factor that makes it hard for people to focus and pay attention. As we’ve mentioned above, the brain is always working.

2. Lack of Sleep

Lack of sleep is another common factor that makes it hard for people to focus and pay attention. As we’ve mentioned above, the brain is always working. 

Getting enough sleep is crucial to having a sharp and focused brain. Failing to get enough sleep makes it harder for you to take in new information and denies your brain the time and rest it needs to properly store memories and other stuff. 

If you’re dealing with insomnia, you’ve likely felt an impact on your focus and concentration as well. 

CBD is commonly used as a sleep aid. Taking a few drops of CBD oil before going to bed will lower the levels of cortisol in your body, making it easier for you to fall and stay asleep. 

And if you need CBD for focus and concentration in the morning, our CBD + CBDV energy tincture will come in handy. 

Anxiety impacts our cognition in a major way; it promotes a crippling focus on negative thoughts and events, making it difficult for us to focus on the things we need to.

3. Anxiety and Focus

Anxiety is quite prevalent in the United States- and worldwide. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety disorders affect an estimated 19.1% of adults in the US. Only 36.9% of these seek help from a mental health professional. 

Anxiety impacts our cognition in a major way; it promotes a crippling focus on negative thoughts and events, making it difficult for us to focus on the things we need to. 

Anxiety creates an impending sense of doom and may even affect one’s work and social circle. 

If you have an anxiety disorder that’s affecting your focus, you should probably talk to a therapist who will help identify the source of your anxiety and equip you with helpful tools to manage it. 

Your therapist may also recommend some CBD products like our CBD + CBG Calm Tincture to help you cope. CBD has anxiolytic effects, meaning it provides relief from the symptoms of anxiety. 

Poor nutrition may also be due to factors outside your control, such as a lack of appetite or even irritable bowel syndrome.

4. Poor Nutrition

The food we eat plays a huge role in how we feel. Some foods give us more energy than others when metabolized. 

Certain foods such as green leafy vegetables, blueberries, eggs, fatty fish, and more are known to help improve concentration and memory. If you aren’t eating well, that could be a good reason why you’re finding it hard to focus. 

Poor nutrition may also be due to factors outside your control, such as a lack of appetite or even irritable bowel syndrome. CBD has been shown to increase appetite in some studies and may be what you need to improve your food intake. 

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, CBD may also help with irritable bowel syndrome. However, the research on this is rather limited.

Stress and burnout impact our focus and attention significantly. Preliminary studies have proven that Cannabidiol may be effective in helping manage feelings of stress and other symptoms of burnout.

5. Stress and Burnout

Psychologists define stress as a feeling of emotional and physical tension that makes one feel frustrated, angry, sad, and nervous. Stress is how the body responds to a demand or a challenge. 

Burnout, on the other hand, is a psychological syndrome that emerges as a response to the chronic stressors one may be exposed to at work or school. 

Burnout manifests itself as chronic exhaustion, feelings of cynicism and detachment from responsibility, and a sense of ineffectiveness and lack of accomplishment. 

Stress and burnout impact our focus and attention significantly. Preliminary studies have proven that Cannabidiol may be effective in helping manage feelings of stress and other symptoms of burnout. 

Some of these symptoms include excessive fatigue, insomnia, irritability, anxiety, etc. 

If you’re experiencing burnout due to work or school responsibilities, we recommend speaking up to someone who can help. Burnout is closely linked with depression, chronic anxiety, and other mental illnesses. It would help to tackle the issue before things go too far. 

6. Other Factors

Multitasking, working in a noisy environment, checking your notifications, and scrolling through the internet endlessly may also be the reason you’re having trouble paying attention to what you are doing. 

The good news is these are completely under your control- you don’t need CBD to help you put your phone on silent, now, do you? 

People worldwide are now using CBD for focus and concentration, and preliminary research suggests that these benefits are backed by science.

How May Oscity CBD Help Improve My Focus? 

Are you looking for the best CBD gummies for focus? We have a wide variety of CBD products for focus, each of them made with quality, consistency, and user satisfaction in mind. 

Our products are processed using 97% pure base extractions. This CBD is extracted from premium, high-quality hemp plants bred specifically for their cannabinoid profile. 

We have various broad-spectrum products that contain a powerful combination of cannabinoids. When CBD, CBG, CBN, CBV, and other cannabinoids are taken together, they react synergistically in a phenomenon known as the entourage effect

The experience is a whole new one altogether, and is different from what you would feel if you took CBD alone. 

For example, our Peach Mango Calm Gummies contain CBD and CBG and may be ideal if you’re looking to use CBD for focus and energy. 

All our products are taken through robust third-party testing to ensure quality and consistency in production. 

We’re committed to providing our customers with the best cannabis products and are in control of all our operations, from seed to shelf. 

If you need some help with your focus and concentration, you should try one of our CBD oils, gummies, chocolates, and tinctures.